We love winter in Kawartha Lakes, but it sure can get cold! If you don't have it in the budget to buy new windows that keep the cold out there are still options. Cottage Life says you can use bubble wrap to temporarily insulate any single pane windows. They instructed, "First, indoors, mist the window with water. Next, cover the entire pane with a piece of wrap, bubbles toward the glass." The hardest part will be keeping yourself from popping the bubbles!
Use bubble wrap as cheap winter insulation—it can double a window’s R-value.Bubble wrap is sure as heck no substitute for new double-pane windows…but it is quick, easy, and cheap.
We love winter in Kawartha Lakes, but it sure can get cold! If you don't have it in the budget to buy new windows that keep the cold out there are still options. Cottage Life says you can use bubble wrap to temporarily insulate any single pane windows. They instructed, "First, indoors, mist the window with water. Next, cover the entire pane with a piece of wrap, bubbles toward the glass." The hardest part will be keeping yourself from popping the bubbles!