Cottage Care

Do you have beech trees? They might be in trouble.

> > Cottage Care > Do you have beech trees? They might be in trouble.

Do you have beech trees? They might be in trouble.

Date: 05/22/2019 | Source:

Mature beech trees in Canada are in trouble. 

Cottage Life reported, "Beech bark disease isa one-two punch combining an attack from a sap-feeding scale insect with a subsequent fungal assault beneath the beech’s thin, silvery bark."

This disease has already caused problems in the Adirondacks of New York and has moved north to Ontario. 

However, there is hope! Beech trees in the Adirondacks are rebounding fairly well. 

A disease is affecting Canada's mature beech trees | Cottage Life

Beechnuts have almost twice the protein and more fat than acorns, so though beech trees only produce big crops every two to four years, those nuts are a cause for feasting.The result, in New York forests anyway, is “nut production continues to go up on our long-term plots, despite the continued pe

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