Cottage Care

City’s Facebook Page Helps You Keep on Top of Recycling at Your Kawartha Cottage

> > Cottage Care > City’s Facebook Page Helps You Keep on Top of Recycling at Your Kawartha Cottage

City’s Facebook Page Helps You Keep on Top of Recycling at Your Kawartha Cottage

Date: 08/05/2014
The City of Kawartha Lakes’ waste management department has recently launched a Facebook page that helps take the guesswork out of preparing for waste and recycling pickup at your Kawartha cottage. As a seasonal resident, this page is a valuable resource for you and a great way to connect one-on-one with city staff. This new Facebook page will provide you and other residents within the City of Kawartha Lakes with details about programs, tips, tricks, and challenges involving all facets of waste and recycling. The city’s waste management department is responsible for managing curbside collection including waste and recycling, landfill operations, and various diversion programs (recycling for electronics, scrap metal, boat and bale wrap, tires, leaf and yard waste, and household hazardous waste). The city employs a wide range of advertising techniques to communicate waste and recycling information including newspaper ads, the annual recycling and waste calendar, the city’s website, the MyWaste mobile app and more. The city’s waste management department wants to make information even more accessible by branching out though social media. By becoming a fan of this page, you can expect to have all of your waste and recycling questions answered. You’ll also be encouraged to take part in regular waste reduction challenges and contests. Also, reminders of special waste events, changes in curbside collection, landfill hours of operation and more will regularly be posted by city staff. For instance, postings on the new Facebook page remind you of the following:
  • This week, August 5-8 is green box (paper recycling) week
  • August 18-21 is textile collection week. Textiles will only be collected in clear bags on your collection day. (Textile collection week is a great opportunity to get rid of well-worn and stained clothing at your cottage)
  • There’s no curbside collection on Monday, September 1 since it’s Labour Day
  • Straws are not recyclable and should instead be placed in your garbage
You're encouraged to like and share this new page found at

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