Weekends in the spring are the perfect time to get cottage chores out of the way.
Take care of any water issues first and check that water is draining correctly on the property. You should also double check your roof and your septic system.
Then, clean the eaves and check for any animal nests in outdoor light fixtures or chimneys.
“Many people don’t realize how much damage water can do”, Matt says, “it’s really important to make sure culverts and any underground drainage did not get blocked with debris during the winter.Remove debris around the property and power lines Winter weather can cause a lot of damage to
Weekends in the spring are the perfect time to get cottage chores out of the way.
Take care of any water issues first and check that water is draining correctly on the property. You should also double check your roof and your septic system.
Then, clean the eaves and check for any animal nests in outdoor light fixtures or chimneys.
Finally, get the grill ready to go! It's spring!