With the recent extreme cold weather, the City of Kawartha Lakes has observed an uptick in frozen residential water lines. Copper pipes are in danger of freezing if they run along an outside wall, within a crawl space or inside an unheated basement. Frozen pipes block the flow of water and may split or crack since water expands as it freezes. It is very expensive to repair or replace damaged copper pipes. The city’s water and wastewater division recommends you take the following precautions to safeguard your water lines from freezing.
Things you can do if you live full-time on your recreational property
If your water line freezes, call a local plumbing contractor immediately. The longer you wait, the firmer the ice could become, which may cause more damage.
Things you can do if you visit your cottage on winter weekends
If you only visit your cottage on weekends, it is likely impractical to leave an inside house-water tap running on low. Talk to a plumber about wrapping your water lines in wire or heat-tracing them.
Things you can do in the autumn if you close your cottage for the winter
It’s critical to winterize the water pipes at your cottage if you don’t plan to visit during the winter. Winterizing is especially important in areas – like the Kawarthas – that experience extreme winter temperatures. If you do not properly winterize your water pipes before you close your cottage for the season, your pipes can freeze and crack, which could lead to water leaks all over your cottage.
If you would like more information on dealing with frozen water lines or safeguarding your property, please contact the call centre at the City of Kawartha Lakes at 705-324-9411.