Cottage Care

How You Can Help Lower Phosphorus Levels in Your Lake and Stem the Growth of Aquatic Plants

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How You Can Help Lower Phosphorus Levels in Your Lake and Stem the Growth of Aquatic Plants

Date: 05/02/2014

Here are the association’s tips:

  • Try adding clover - which when cut naturally - adds nitrogen back into the lawn
  • Dandelions indicate your grass is not developing healthy roots. The turf may be either too low in calcium, too high in potassium, or too acidic. A soil test will help you make this determination
  • In early May to June, spread corn gluten throughout the area. Corn gluten feeds the grass to make it stronger and helps stop weeds from developing

The link between high phosphorus levels in lakes and the growth of aquatic plants

Like their land-based cousins, aquatic plants need sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, and nutrients to grow. Nutrients include phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium. The watershed is the primary source of nutrients for aquatic plants. Phosphorus is one of the key elements in fertilizer. Aside from the fact phosphorus is in most fertilizers, it also moves slowly through the soil, and isn’t used in high amounts by plants. As a result, there is often an excess of the nutrient phosphorus. When waterfront cottagers use fertilizer on their lawns, phosphorus enters lakes from the watershed. And these nutrient-rich lakes tend to have more aquatic plants and algae. Indeed, excess phosphorus causes algae to build up in lakes, which disrupts the ecological balance.

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