Tree seedling program Tree huggers, unite! "The 2018 Kawartha Conservation Tree Seedling Program has launched, providing landowners in rural, agricultural and shoreline areas... Stay safe on the ice Living on the waterfront is great year-round! Ice skating, ice hockey, and ice fishing are just a few of the... Selling a house to family Even when selling a home to a family member or friend, hiring a real estate agent is recommended. "Even seemingly... Take a break from the city Kawartha Lakes is among the best places to escape to when you want a break from the hectic city life.... Christmas cottage decor You can never have enough inspiration for holiday decor! Even adding just a little greenery can make a big difference... Kawartha Lakes Microbreweries Locals know the amazing microbreweries in Kawartha Lakes, but they are hoping to reach tourists as well. "Beginning next summer,... Toronto’s housing market too hot Toronto's housing market is so hot, real estate developers are struggling to afford land. Housing is not affordable enough for... Christmas light tips Want to decorate your cottage with Christmas lights but don't know where to start? We found some tips that could... Yuletide Singers Need a little help getting into the holiday spirit? The Kawartha Lakes Singers are here to help! Head to the...