Is your waterfront shoreline looking a little beat up after the summer? Already thinking about upgrades for next year? You can make your waterfront look stunning while actually helping the environment! Did you know that putting up a wall could actually cause more erosion in the long run? Natural shorelines are beautiful and they are less work! Cottage Life says, "In many cases, all you have to do is stop clearing vegetation and removing deadfall from the shallows for a shoreline to slowly repair itself. But you can lend a hand by planting a buffer of native species from water’s edge to drier land." Less work, good for the environment, and visually pleasing! Sounds like a good plan!
Over her 24 years on Christina Lake, in the Boundary Region of B.C., Brenda LaCroix has seen a growing footprint on the beautiful waterbody—“bigger buildings, boats, and lawns,” all culminating in a bigger impact on the natural, vibrant shoreline. But as stewardship manager for the lake, she is a cheerleader for better change. A healthy shore “not only benefits myriad wildlife,” she says, “but us as well—through erosion control, water quality, species diversity, and the intrinsic feeling you get from living a lifestyle on a lake the way it is supposed to be. Most people know this, but need some...
Is your waterfront shoreline looking a little beat up after the summer? Already thinking about upgrades for next year? You can make your waterfront look stunning while actually helping the environment! Did you know that putting up a wall could actually cause more erosion in the long run? Natural shorelines are beautiful and they are less work! Cottage Life says, "In many cases, all you have to do is stop clearing vegetation and removing deadfall from the shallows for a shoreline to slowly repair itself. But you can lend a hand by planting a buffer of native species from water’s edge to drier land." Less work, good for the environment, and visually pleasing! Sounds like a good plan!