Heading to the cottage in the winter used to be an adventure. It was cold, rugged, and always interesting!
Now, winter cottaging is downright luxurious in comparison.
Cottage Life said, "I am beginning to suspect that winter cottaging as we used to know it will disappear because cottagers will be unable to discern winter from any other season."
While some people might be nostalgic for the old days, what this really means is that your cottage can be a relaxing, beautiful retreat no matter the season! Cozy up by the fire and enjoy the last of the cold months!
I guess I remember it as being fun, but the first time I went to our family place one cold winter was probably not a high point in outdoor merriment.Last winter, a customer stopped by the store on the way to his cottage.
Heading to the cottage in the winter used to be an adventure. It was cold, rugged, and always interesting!
Now, winter cottaging is downright luxurious in comparison.
Cottage Life said, "I am beginning to suspect that winter cottaging as we used to know it will disappear because cottagers will be unable to discern winter from any other season."
While some people might be nostalgic for the old days, what this really means is that your cottage can be a relaxing, beautiful retreat no matter the season! Cozy up by the fire and enjoy the last of the cold months!